Annual Reports

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2023 Annual Report

2023 Year in Review

Another year for our Transformers! Our clients are dedicated to transformation. Their passion and commitment to the causes they represent allow us to wake up every day excited to collaborate and play a small role in their important work. 

In 2023, we identified opportunities to augment our clients’ successes: by further investing in ourselves. This included an audit of how we can better serve clients—from an added emphasis on our team’s leadership development to honing our brand (and the tools we use to communicate it!). We are always in enthusiastic pursuit of improvement, internally and externally.

Our passionate and experienced team continues to best position ourselves to help our clients make a difference. We look forward to all the ways we’ll transform together in 2024!

Enjoy learning more about our year and consider partnering with us!

“2023 was a tremendous year for our shared successes. Our clients are ever-committed to overcoming complex social issues and barriers their communities face, and our results-driven work emboldens them to make an even greater impact.”

– TCG President, Amanda Lopez –

Previous Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022 Cover

2022 Annual Report

What a year! Together we accomplished many “wins” in 2022 that we believe will truly transform the communities our clients serve. As we look toward a new year with excitement and anticipation, we also want to take time to reflect and celebrate.

Download 2022's Annual Report



Data Informed Tool

Data-Informed Tools

Toolkits address the “why” of data.

Data Informed Tool

Data Dashboard Tools

It is still possible to meet your fundraising goals

Data Informed Tool

Strategic Planning Tools

We’ll work to identify the key stakeholders to inform your planning process.

Data Informed Tool

Evaluation Tools

How effective is your program? Is it working as intended?

Data Informed Tool

Fundraising Tools

With simple, practical tools, your team can diversify funding streams.

Data Informed Tool

Coalition Tools

Is your issue bigger than one organization can handle? A coalition may be the answer!