By Industry
We’re dedicated to partnering with nonprofits, government, philanthropy, education, and Head Start organizations.
With a team of experts in these industries, we understand your field and are dedicated to providing solutions specific to your needs.
Innovate for Impact
Nonprofits face enormous pressures. Economic and social disparities mean the need for services and funding is great. However, competition for dollars is growing and there is a growing need to be responsive.
Nonprofit leaders are responding by reframing their strategies and tapping into data to differentiate themselves and demonstrate impact. This allows them to work on their mission more efficiently and effectively while better meeting their donor, board, and community members’ expectations. At Transform Consulting Group, we engage and gather feedback from partners who represent various sectors through community conversations, surveys, listening sessions, interviews, etc.
At TCG, we have a combined 80+ years of experience working directly in nonprofits and with nonprofits. We understand the complexities of creating positive impact, demonstrating outcomes with data, and opportunities to diversity funding streams for sustainability.
Our clients all have similar needs. They seek to use best practices, use data to inform decision-making, engage the communities they serve, and develop their employees, leaders, and board.
To learn more about how we can help address your immediate needs, visit our Needs and Projects pages.

Client Stories
Assessing 30+ Afterschool Programs Across Indiana to Guide Strategic Plan
The Boys & Girls Clubs of America hired TCG to look at the out-of-school-time needs of youth to determine if Indiana Clubs are fulfilling the needs.
Understanding Data To Tell Stories Of Impact
Focused on serving African American youth, the Center for Leadership Development needed help building a data-informed culture to ensure they had data, systems, and training to demonstrate their impact.
Diversifying Funding to Serve Out-Of-School-Time Teens
While serving over 300 high school students, the Indiana Parenting Institute needed funding to continue programming that prepares students for post-high school opportunities.
Sharing Your Organization’s Story with Video
As the Communication Manager at Transform Consulting Group, storytelling is one of my favorite parts of this job. I love sharing what our clients - fellow Transformers - are doing nationwide to...
Besides an ask, did you say thank you for your donation?
Research shows nearly a third of giving happens at the end of the year, so now is the time to focus on communication and donor stewardship. Hopefully, your year-end campaign will bring in new donors...
Using Data to Tell Your Story
We say we’re #datanerds at Transform Consulting Group. However, for a communication and marketing person like myself, I will admit that data intimidates me. I prefer using words and emotions to...

Government leaders are operating in unprecedented times.
The role and need for government is evolving coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re all still recovering. Our clients are working hard to understand the short- and long-term impact of the pandemic and how to respond accordingly.
Government leaders are assessing and refocusing efforts to better serve their communities. During the pandemic, new needs have arisen and other challenges have been brought to light. Through this change, organizations are using this opportunity to complete new strategic plans, evaluate programs and services, complete exploratory research projects, fund new partnerships, and use data to tell stories of need and impact.
Our team has experience working at the federal and state levels of government (we’re a certified Women’s Business Enterprise). We also have team members who have worked with community-based organizations that have received government funds and are boots on the ground implementing those programs and services. We understand the changing policies and competing priorities of everyone who ultimately wants to improve outcomes for our communities.
Let us be your liaison and partner! Learn more by visiting our Needs and Projects pages.
Client Stories
Supporting Small Business Post-COVID
Indiana Small Business Development Center hired TCG to complete a needs assessment and facilitate a strategic plan retreat to ensure alignment with their ten regional offices.
Addressing the Early Care and Education Gaps Across Indiana
Through a multi-year contract, TCG worked with the Early Learning Advisory Committee to analyze data, facilitate subcommittees, and provide backbone resources.
Bringing Together State Partners To Address Child Abuse
TCG was hired by the Indiana Department of Child Services to develop a statewide framework and toolkit to meet Indiana’s goals for addressing child abuse.
Support for Growing Opportunities
The Indiana Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning (OECOSL) hired TCG to support the development and launch of a $25 million grant program.
What is an Anchor Collaborative?
Many communities struggle with low education, high poverty, and crime rates. Disinvestment hinders progress, but an anchor collaborative can help drive lasting change for a brighter future. As...
How to Increase Engagement with My Advisory Council
We have been sharing a series about our work with establishing and managing advisory councils. Advisory councils are a great vehicle to help your organization make informed decisions, navigate...
Who to Select for Your Advisory Council
If you have served on an advisory council before or have had to set up one, then you know that the PEOPLE on an advisory council can make it or break it. An Advisory Council is a group of...
As a philanthropic partner, we know you’re doing important work.
You are moving the needle in your community, and we applaud your efforts.
In this ever-changing world, we see you working to be effective. There’s a shift as more and more funders are looking to be strategic partners and conveners.
At Transform Consulting Group (TCG), we support philanthropic partners who are working to tackle big social problems in their communities. We’re noticing a growing trend of funders no longer wanting to simply write a check. Funders are stepping into a community leader and convener role to work together on solutions. You want your work to be effective and support a thriving community.
Each year more nonprofit organizations are formed, and more individuals give to charitable causes. Yet, the social issues plaguing our communities seem to be getting worse while charitable giving increases.
There is a disconnect. We can help you assess your community’s needs and work with you and your partners to solve complex problems.
To learn more about how we can partner, visit our Needs and Projects pages.

Client Stories
Developing a Community Indicators Data Dashboard to Reflect New Vision
The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne hired TCG to support data collection, analysis, and visualization to track and monitor key metrics ensuring alignment with their strategic plan and goals.
Serving As Thought Leaders to Address Top Community Issues
Welborn Baptist Foundation is devoted to supporting nonprofit organizations and hired TCG to “Train Transformers” across 14 counties.
Engaging Employers to Address Child Care Shortage
Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County hired TCG to form an early learning coalition, analyze the area’s need for child care, and develop a plan to better serve working families.
Increasing the Quality of Child Care Available Community-Wide
Montgomery County Community Foundation wanted to address early care and education gaps and hired TCG to form a coalition and create a plan.

Education leaders are facing a shifting and dynamic environment.
Policies and funding are constantly changing. New research and best practices are emerging daily. School leaders are working to stay current with all this change while also taking care of the day-to-day: equipping, preparing, and educating our future leaders.
Transform Consulting Group supports education leaders across the lifespan. We work with early learning leaders to build a strong foundation for our youngest citizens ages 0-5. We work with K-12 school leaders to help them use their data to understand their students, teachers, and schools’ needs. We also facilitate partnerships between schools, families, and communities, facilitating outstanding student achievement.
We support school leaders in preparing the future workforce. We support Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to build partnerships with local industry and K-12 systems that align with careers in high demand in their region.
We support higher education institutions that are working to be anchor institutions in their community. Their goals and outcomes are uniquely tied to the local community’s quality of life and workforce development as they work to recruit students and faculty.
Across all education leaders, setting children, youth, and adults up for success comes down to data and collaboration.
To learn more about how we can partner, visit our Needs and Projects pages.
Client Stories
Securing Federal Grant Funding to Provide Wraparound Support
IUPUI – serving as an anchor institute – hired TCG to apply for a federal grant to implement a project with three schools in nearby Indianapolis neighborhoods.
Raising Millions to Expand Adult Workforce Training Programs
TCG helped Heartland Career Center plan, apply, and successfully secure a $5 million grant to support adult workforce training.
What is an Anchor Collaborative?
Many communities struggle with low education, high poverty, and crime rates. Disinvestment hinders progress, but an anchor collaborative can help drive lasting change for a brighter future. As...
How to Establish & Manage an Advisory Council
If you’ve followed along with Transform Consulting Group (TCG) for a while, then you’ve probably seen us talk about our desire to work with you rather than for you. This is one of our many...
Marketing 101: 5 Ways to Enhance Your Social Media
At Transform Consulting Group, we see many organizations launch services and programs in response to an obvious need in the community or a gap to address. Your organization is getting into your...
Head Start
Head Start grantees face tremendous pressures.
The need for your program and services is rising, while the challenges to recruit and retain a high-quality workforce are incredible.
Transform Consulting Group has responded to this need by creating a High-Performing Organizations model based on the concept that effective leadership and management comprise three components: technical expertise, administrative and management skills, and relational/personal growth.
Head Start organizations are primed to benefit from this leadership and coaching model as it aligns well with the Head Start model.
In addition to responding to the workforce crisis, Head Start organizations are working to better use their data. Head Start organizations collect a lot of data. We help Head Start organizations move beyond collecting data for compliance to collecting data to drive impact.
Head Start leaders are well-positioned to be trailblazers in the early childhood field. We can be a strong partner, given our experience working at the federal level with the Office of Head Start, at the state level with the Collaboration Offices and State Associations, and at the local level with individual grantees. We understand Head Start requirements and funding constraints and the program’s goal to help young children and families.

Client Stories
Developing a Data Dashboard to Illustrate Geographical Reach And Impact
Transform Consulting Group bolstered the Illinois Head Start Association’s approach by analyzing data, engaging stakeholders, and guiding strategic planning.
Ongoing Data Partnership to Manage, Support, and Understand Impact
Strengthening Human Service Leaders to Improve Recruitment and Retention
Transform Consulting Group elevated Geminus’s leadership efforts by analyzing data, engaging stakeholders, and guiding strategic planning.
Build a Data Dashboard in 7 Steps
We love data! If you’ve followed our team long, then you’ve heard this before, but we really are proud #datanerds. We also love utilizing data tools like dashboards to help visualize data (we break...
Using Performance Indicators to Drive Impact
If you’re a Head Start organization, you know several reports and check-ins are required throughout the year. One mandatory item is to complete an annual performance indicators report (PIR), which...
How A Needs Assessment Can Support Your Head Start Program
Most organizations that receive federal or state funding and even private funding are required to complete some type of needs assessment. This might be part of their grant application or annual...
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