Request for Proposals: Apply To Be A Safe Babies Court Team Implementation Site

by | Dec 16, 2014


zerotothreelogo bkTogether with the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), and RTI, International, the ZERO TO THREE National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families has announced the opportunity for state, county, or tribal child welfare systems to be selected as Quality Improvement Center (QIC) Safe Babies Court Team model implementation sites.

QIC for Research-Based Infant-Toddler Court Teams is a federally funded, national program designed to give technical assistance and support to child welfare sites that are developing or expanding use of the Safe Babies Court Teams model.

Safe Babies Court Teams is a project that works toward improving the lives of very young children in two ways:

  1. To help professionals working with maltreated infants and toddlers become more aware of the negative effects of abuse and neglect.
  2. To improve child welfare system outcomes and prevent future abuse, neglect and court involvement in young children’s lives.

QIC is asking interested child welfare systems to apply for the opportunity to be a Safe Babies Court Team implementation site.  Selected sites will receive assistance employing Safe Babies Court Teams project goals and activities, which may include staff training, provisioning of resources, and collaboration between existing service providers, as well as increasing parent-child contact, mental health capacity, and placement stability within the site. Three sites will be selected. Eligible sites include:

  • Courts with jurisdiction over child maltreatment, local child welfare agency, or a private agency leader of an existing court-community collaborative infant-toddler court team with approval from the State Court Improvement Program
  • State Court Improvement Programs
  • State agencies in partnership with the Court Improvement Program

Interested applicants are asked to respond to the request for proposals no later than January 9, 2015. For more information, visit NCJFCJ.

If your organization is considering federal funding, Transform Consulting Group can help. Transform Consulting Group has the experience needed to successfully navigate the writing and application process to obtain a federal grant. Contact us today for a free consultation!




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