Best Practice Spotlight: Trauma Informed Community Building

by | Oct 7, 2014

Communities across the country are working to revitalize low-income and public housing. Trauma Informed Community Building (TICB) is a new framework for strengthening communities in trauma-affected neighborhoods. It recognizes the ongoing stress and trauma pervasive in communities facing poverty, ongoing violence, isolation, and limited resources.

TICB strategies attempt to de-escalate chaos and stress, build social cohesion, and foster community resiliency over time by acknowledging and validating the real life experiences of low-income and public housing residents. The TICB model addresses the disconnect between meeting the needs of residents in high-poverty neighborhoods and traditional community building programs that leave members feeling isolated and marginalized.slide potrero2 Through a partnership with the residents of Potrero Terrace and Annex—one of San Francisco’s largest and most distressed public housing communities—and the Health Equity Institute at San Francisco State University, BRIDGE Housing Corporation has developed a model for community building that starts with community healing as an integral part of neighborhood revitalization.
Five years of experience with community building and re-development work in the “Potrero” community allowed BRIDGE’s project team to identify key objectives that support using a TICB framework to guide neighborhood revitalization initiatives, including:

  • Community building needs to be asset-based
  • Leverage resources that are already in the community
  • Increase the capacity of residents to improve their quality of life and effect positive change

Transform Consulting Group understands that community transformation starts equipping and empowering residents to identify their community assets and develop plans for improvement. Transform Consulting Group has worked with the Martindale Brightwood community in Indianapolis on developing a Promise Neighborhood—turning a neighborhood of concentrated poverty into a neighborhood of opportunity. Contact us today to learn how your organization can apply the latest research to improve lasting transformation.




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