Transformational Organization: The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

by | Jan 16, 2014


Childrens Museum LogoToday, we’re highlighting the work of a Transformational Organization: the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.  Not only is it the world’s best museum for children, but it’s also an organization committed to supporting our community. 

The Children’s Museum provides several free and discounted admission programs, including:

  • Free one-year membership for foster parents and their children. 
  • Free one-year membership to families in any of the six neighborhoods surrounding the museum, including Crown Hill, Watson McCord, Mapleton-Fall Creek, Historic Meridian Park, Highland Vicinity and Meridian Highland.
  • $1-a-family-member visits for low-income Hoosier families with the Access Pass.
  • Free admission 16 days a year through Target Free Family Nights.

Their Community Matters Report also outlines the significant financial resources and full-time staff members from the Museum dedicated to projects that improve safety, decrease crime, attract and retain local businesses and community assets, and beautify the area.

The Children’s Museum also provides an affordable summer day camp for neighborhood youths, Star Point, which engages underserved youths and their families with activities based on museum exhibits. The Museum Apprentice Program (MAP) provides participants ages 13 to 18 with an exciting free mentoring program that introduces them to the arts, sciences, and humanities in a real work environment. The Children’s Museum also has Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten classes, where children explore the museum galleries on a daily basis before the museum opens to the public.  They return to their state-of-the art classrooms to extend their museum experience through classroom projects and centers related to the arts, literacy, sciences, math and humanities.

Transform Consulting Group applauds the amazing work of the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, especially the Museum’s focus on the quality of life in the community.  Transform Consulting Group is dedicated to bringing nonprofits the latest news and information. Follow Transform Consulting Group on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or contact Transform today for a free consultation!




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