Highlights from the White House Summit on Early Education

by | Dec 12, 2014


unnamed-2Several announcements were made Wednesday at the White House Summit on Early Education, including federal grant award recipients and new organizational partnerships, both designed to improve the accessibility and quality of early childhood education. Federal funds and corporate investments will provide states, municipalities, and local communities the support and resources necessary to answer President Obama’s call to action to expand the supply of high-quality early care and education programs.

Federal monies and corporate and philanthropic investments total more than $1 billion. Corporate and philanthropic leaders will commit over $330 million to the goals of increased access and better quality early childhood education opportunities. $750 million in federal grants will serve more than 63,000 children nationwide. Highlights include the following:

  • Walt Disney Company committed $55 million to provide learning apps and books to several nonprofits for increased access to print and digital tools in early childhood education programs.
  • Sesame Workshop is designing tools to assess the potential of new technologies and creating opportunities for professional learning communities.
  • J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation will give $25 million over 5 years “to scale evidence-based early childhood programs, advance early learning Social Impact Bond investments, and further the research on economic efficacy of government investments that transform the lives of disadvantaged young children and families”.
  • Corporation for National and Community Service’s Social Innovation Fund (SIF) and the Institute for Child Success (ICS) will provide coaches and advisors to help communities develop Pay for Success transactions for early childhood investments.
  • U.S. Department of Education awarded $250 million for the Preschool Development Grants program for 18 states to increase access to preschool programs in high-need communities.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded $500 million within the Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships program for communities nationwide to enhance the quality and reach of comprehensive early care.

Launch of the new program Invest in US was also announced. Invest in US was developed by the First Five Years Fund and affiliates to bring momentum, support, and resources to communities committed to increasing access to early childhood education. Partners include The BUILD Initiative, The National Association of Counties, Alliance for Early Success and the Center for the Study of Social Policy. Find more about Invest in US here.

Transform Consulting Group commends the national and local, public and private efforts to expand access to high-quality early learning opportunities to the children and families who need them most.




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