Indiana Summit on Out-of-School Learning

by | Jan 15, 2015


inaftershoolRegistration is now open for Indiana Afterschool Network’s fourth annual Indiana Summit on Out-of-School Learning. The summit is designed to inspire out-of-school time staff, leaders, and partners with new and creative ideas, connect them with valuable resources and partners, and provide lots of opportunity to hear from experts in afterschool and summer learning. Any out-of-school time program providers, schools, and community partners in Indiana serving K-12 youth are invited to attend. There will be a wide range of breakout sessions and workshops on practical tools and the best practices for out-of-school time providers.

During the two-day conference, participants will hear from keynote speakers, attend an exciting evening reception, and have the opportunity to join in on more than 50 workshops on leadership and best practices in out-of-school time learning. The Summit is designed specifically with Indiana’s afterschool and summer learning program providers in mind. Here are some of the breakout sessions and workshops that will be offered:

  • New Curriculum and Activities for K-12 Youth
  • Cutting edge practices in Arts, College/Career Readiness, STEM, Summer Learning, Literacy, Health and Fitness, Service Learning, and more
  • Creativity in Learning
  • Leadership with Youth, Staff, Families, and Community
  • Funding, Partnerships, & Sustainability
  • Advocacy & Communications
  • Strategic Planning & Evaluation

This year, one lucky Summit attendee will be chosen as a VIP guest of the Indianapolis Zoo Special Learning and Networking Events. This opportunity includes a Conservation Education Workshop where participants will learn how to incorporate real-world conservation into afterschool programs, a behind the scenes tour of the Zoo’s elephant barn, and a Project-Based and Service Learning session on how to create meaningful learning for students in afterschool programs. Don’t miss this opportunity to sample hors d’oeuvres and drinks, connect with your colleagues, and meet new people. To learn more about this unique opportunity to attend the Zoo Tour, Workshop, and Networking Reception, click here!

The Indiana Summit on Out-of-School Learning is Monday April 13, 2015 at 8:00 AM to Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 4:30 PM. It is located at JW Marriott, 10 S West Street Indianapolis, IN 46204.  Any questions? Contact Sara Beanblossom of Indiana Afterschool Network at 317-822-8211 or

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