New Resource for College and Career Readiness Programs

by | Feb 9, 2017

Person on smartphone exploring college readinessAre you a school or a program serving youth that has a goal to get more students to and through post-secondary education?  At Transform Consulting Group, we are passionate about college and career readiness programs and always look for resources to make life easier.

The Better Make Room initiative offers free support to students, parents, and school counselors on anything college-related, and they launched a free texting service called UP NEXT. The catch? Once enrolled, the individual will receive important information and timely reminders about applying for college, financial aid, and even setting up student loans, all via text message.  

With 63% of students texting daily, mobile communication is a great way to reach people. Research suggests texting information will increase students’ college enrollment and persistence, but only if they sign up.

Schools or youth-serving organizations can check out this toolkit for tips on launching your own campaign and incorporating the content into your program.

As high school seniors are making decisions about college and applying for financial aid and post-secondary students are managing their student loans, UP NEXT is a timely resource to help our students stay on the pathway of post-secondary success.

At Transform Consulting Group, we work with college and career-ready programs and education partners to help get more students to enroll in education beyond high school and complete their credentials or degrees.  We help our clients access the latest resources and research to implement to accomplish their objectives in their programming. Contact us today to learn more and see how we can help!

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