Transformational Organization Spotlight: Wabash County Promise

by | Jun 2, 2015

wabashThe Wabash County YMCA is “planting seeds of hope,” in its youth through a new initiative: Wabash County Promise. Wabash County Promise is a community-wide initiative to promote college and career readiness in students in grades K-12.

The initiative includes four key college and career ready components:

  1. Educational Savings: At school registration, families enroll in a CollegeChoice529 college savings account and may receive help in doing so. Students with a college savings account are more likely to enroll in and complete college.
  2. College & Career Discovery: All students participate in college and career discovery in the classroom throughout the month of September. In the younger grades this includes lessons such as: “What do I want to be when I grow up,” and “Who are the champions in my life who will help support me along the way?”
  3. Walk into My Future: “College Go Week” in September provides college visits for students in Grades K-3 to Manchester University to participate in hands-on activities, experience a college campus and participate in a mall walk that symbolizes walking into the future.
  4. Engaging Champions: Students are encouraged to identify champions in their life who will encourage them and contribute financially to their college savings account. Students in grades K-4 who raise at least $25 receive a matching gift of $75 for their college accounts.

In the first year of the Wabash County Promise:

  • Over 1,600 youth visited the campus of Manchester University for the “Walk into My Future Event.”
  • 9 out of 10 teachers observed increases in students’ hope for their futures.
  • Parental awareness of 529 plans increased from 41% to 82%.
  • Students with 529 accounts in grades K-3 increased from 6% to over 72%.

Transform Consulting Group applauds the community of Wabash County to work together in facilitating college and career readiness in all of its youth. Transform Consulting Group supports college and career readiness programs in having clear outcomes and tracking progress on the attainment of their post-secondary education goals. Contact us or visit our website to learn more!

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