Early Education Matching Grant Window Open

by | Jan 13, 2014


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The Family and Social Services Administration’s Bureau of Childcare is accepting applications for Early Education Matching Grants. In the 2013 legislative session, $2 million was set aside to pilot a new early childhood program with the primary purpose to increase enrollment of low-income children in high quality early learning programs as designated by Indiana’s Paths to QUALITY (PTQ) rating system. Early childhood programs that are currently Level 3 or Level 4 PTQ providers are eligible to apply for this competitive grant. The award will be allocated in the 2014 and 2015 state fiscal years. The funds must be used only to supplement, not supplant, any Federal, state, or local dollars available to support activities allowable under the EEMG program.

The closing date of the grant competition is Friday, March 7, 2014. Intent to apply letters, which are recommended but not required, are due on January 29, 2014. Award decisions announced on or around April 15, 2014. Additional information regarding the application, Request for Funding (RFF) and technical assistance workshops can be found here. The RFF contains very important information on eligibility and the application process, including the following:

  • Individuals are not eligible;

  • Cash match is required;

  • Minimum education requirements;

  • Programs must agree to use the ISTAR-KR; and

  • Must have a family engagement component

The Bureau of Childcare is also seeking community stakeholder to consider becoming a Volunteer Grant Application Reviewer on an outside panel of experts to ensure objectivity in reviewing the competitive grant applications. To best evaluate the applicants, experts from a wide variety of professions, work settings, and cultural backgrounds are being sought. Reviewers must be free from conflicts of interest and evaluate each application on its own merit. Interested persons should submit a completed application, current resume, and completed conflict of interest statement by emailing no later than Wednesday, January 29, 2014. There is a cover letter explaining the details along with an application form and conflict of interest statement. Reviewers will be notified of their status by Friday, February 7th.

Transform Consulting Group is working with the Bureau of Child Care to help roll out the Early Education Matching Grant (EEMG) program. Similar to this work we’ve done for BCC, Transform Consulting Group can help organizations develop a new program, analyze and present data in a visual format, and manage a grant review process. Contact Transform Consulting Group today and we’ll help you “move the needle forward.”




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