New PBS Play and Learn Free App Helps Engage Parents in Their Children’s Education

by | Apr 30, 2013


PBS20Play20and20Learn20Logo 1PBS’ first app designed specifically for parents, “PBS Parents Play & Learn” provides more than a dozen reading and math games parents can play with their kids. PC Mag gives the app an Editor’s Choice Award, calling it “a dream come true for parents.”  The app is bilingual (English/Spanish) and makes it easy for parents to seize upon those daily “teachable moments” through theme-based interactive games and simple hands-on activities that connect math and literacy skills to everyday experiences.

Each game comes with a parent note that provides information about the math and literacy skills woven into the game and suggestions for effective ways to interact with a child while playing the game to maximize the learning experience.

The app also provides weekly push notifications with more ideas for parents on how to engage their children in learning.  Games in the app are recommended for ages 2 and up.  Download free versions of the app for iPhone, iPod, Android, Nook and Kindle here.

Transform Consulting Group is always looking for new ways organizations can use technology and parental engagement to enhance program implementation and effectiveness. Contact us today for a consultation!




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