Nomination for Indiana’s Governor’s Service Award

by | Apr 26, 2013


Governors Conference Logo

The Governor’s Service Awards are the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives‘ most prestigious award for volunteer service.  The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives is currently seeking nominations for the awards to be given in the fall of 2013.  The 2013 honorees will be recognized for outstanding volunteer contributions to causes that include health care, neighborhood revitalization, youth and senior activities, the arts, education, justice, housing, nutrition and social services at the 2013 Governor’s Conference on Service and Nonprofit Capacity Building Awards ceremony (date to be announced). Any Indiana resident or Indiana based organization (or Indiana office of a national or regional organization) is eligible and any individual or group may nominate one or more individuals or organizations.

Nominations are due by July 19, 2013 and nomination forms and additional information can be found here.




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