Street Outreach Program Grants Available

by | May 7, 2013

FYSBThe Family and Youth Services Bureau is now accepting applications for the Street Outreach Program. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds organizations that provide street-based services to runaway, homeless and street youth who have been subjected to, or are at risk of being subjected to, sexual abuse, prostitution or sexual exploitation. These services are designed to assist youth in making healthy choices and help them leave the streets. Grantees will receive up to $200,000 for each year for up to a 3 year project period.

Projects first address the immediate needs of street youth (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) through direct interventions or appropriate referrals. Then they work on improving the behavioral, psychological, and physical health of street youth, providing them with employment and educational supports, and either reunifying them with family or finding alternative, safe residential placements.

Public and nonprofit private agencies are eligible for awards under this funding opportunity, including governments, schools, housing authorities, and 501(c)(3) organizations. Deadline for applications is June 28, 2013.

Transform Consulting Group can help your organization with grant application and administration. Contact us today!


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